Mobile Device Policy
Google/SCUSD Chromebook Log-On
(As of 8/23/22)
Grades PK, TK, K , 1st & continuing 2nd graders
- Password (as of 8/23/22)= their birth year TWO times
- Step 1: Enter email address: “s” plus your 6 digit SCUSD ID
- (AND if using a non-school device, you’ll need to add the
- Example: _S __ __ __ __ __ __
- Step 2: click on the blue, “Next” box
- Step 3: Enter password: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
- Password format:
- Birthdate TWICE in the following format: y y y y y y y y
- Example for a child born in 1999= 19991999
- Step 4: click on the blue, “Next” box
NEW students who enter in Grades 2-12
- Step 1: Enter email address: “s” plus your 6 digit SCUSD ID
- (AND if using a non-school device, you’ll need to add the
- Example: _S __ __ __ __ __ __
- Step 2: click on the blue, “Next” box
- Step 3: Enter password: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- Password format:
- UPPERcase 1st letter of LAST name
- UPPERcase 1st letter of FIRST name
- Birthdate in the following format: mmddyyyy
- Example for "Pat Student" born on Aug. 24, 1999= SP08241999
- Step 4: click on the blue, “Next” box
Logging Into to a Student Google Account from Home
If you have more than one person sharing a family device, to access Google Apps, you will want to set up a process for ensuring that each person logs out of Google before a student logs on. View a video tutorial (by Mrs. Spinks) for how-to do this.
Single Sign On (SSO)
After logging on to your SCUSD Chromebook, you will use a SSO and select the Google Chrome Icon and then The SCUSD Portal, aka "ClassLink" in order to log in to sites such as Learning A-Z (RazKids), Footsteps2Brilliance, Typing Agent, Lexia, i-Ready, and other district-supported websites/platforms/apps.
Logging into your Google Classroom and Joining a "Meet" using Google Meet
- View a video tutorial (by Mrs. Spinks) about how to do this.
- Go to the Student's/Parent's Guide to Google Classroom
- Go to the Google Meet for Students tutorial pdf version
Chromebook Support
Steps for Updating Student Chromebooks
- Have your student log on to their Chromebook
- Right click at the very bottom, right corner of their screen (near the battery & internet icons)
- Click on the Settings icon (the gear/cog wheel symbol)
- Click on "About Chrome OS" (at very bottom of the list that’s on the left)
- Click "Check for updates"
- To apply the updates, click the arrow icon and then select "Restart to update"
Steps for Changing Chromebook Keyboard Settings to “English (US)” keyboard (from “English-International”)- necessary for being able to type apostrophes while using Typing Agent
- Have your student log on to their Chromebook
- Right click at the very bottom, right corner of their screen (near the battery & internet icons) OR click on the magnifying glass that’s on the left side of the keyboard
- Click on the Settings icon (the gear/cog wheel symbol)
- under the “Device” section click on “keyboard”
- at the bottom of the list, click on “Change input settings”
- Under “Input methods” it should be “English (US)” “enabled”. If it says something different, click on the blue “ + Add input methods” and then select “English (US)”. Finally, use the X to remove all other keyboard languages that may be listed as “enabled”
SCUSD Tech Help Desk
(For district-provided Chromebook issues)
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Text: (408) 900-6867
"Please provide a thorough description of the problem and, if required, we will schedule a video conference to discuss further at a convenient time. In the same way that Google Meet is a great way for you to have contact with your child’s teacher, an appointment can be scheduled for any virtual tech support you may need."
Student Website Links
Use Your "ClassLink"/SCUSD Student Portal to get to the following:
- i-Ready
- Learning A-Z (RazKids)
- Lexia
- Typing Agent
- and more!