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Mobile Device Policy

Google/SCUSD Chromebook Log-On

(As of 8/23/22)

Grades PK, TK, K , 1st & continuing 2nd graders

  • Password (as of 8/23/22)= their birth year TWO times
  • Step 1: Enter email address: “s” plus your 6 digit SCUSD ID
  • (AND if using a non-school device, you’ll need to add the
  • Example:   _S __ __ __ __ __ __
  • Step 2: click on the blue, “Next” box
  • Step 3: Enter password: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
  • Password format: 
  • Birthdate TWICE in the following format:  y y y y y y y y
  • Example for a child born in 1999= 19991999
  • Step 4: click on the blue, “Next” box

NEW students who enter in Grades 2-12

  • Step 1: Enter email address: “s” plus your 6 digit SCUSD ID
  • (AND if using a non-school device, you’ll need to add the
  • Example:   _S __ __ __ __ __ __
  • Step 2: click on the blue, “Next” box
  • Step 3: Enter password: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 
  • Password format: 
  • UPPERcase 1st letter of LAST name
  • UPPERcase 1st letter of FIRST name
  • Birthdate in the following format:  mmddyyyy
  • Example for "Pat Student" born on Aug. 24, 1999=  SP08241999
  • Step 4: click on the blue, “Next” box

Logging Into to a Student Google Account from Home

If you have more than one person sharing a family device, to access Google Apps, you will want to set up a process for ensuring that each person logs out of Google before a student logs on. View a video tutorial (by Mrs. Spinks) for how-to do this.

Single Sign On (SSO) 

After logging on to your SCUSD Chromebook, you will use a SSO and select the Google Chrome Icon and then The SCUSD Portal, aka "ClassLink" in order to log in to sites such as Learning A-Z (RazKids), Footsteps2Brilliance, Typing Agent, Lexia, i-Ready, and other district-supported websites/platforms/apps.

Logging into your Google Classroom and Joining a "Meet" using Google Meet 

Chromebook Support

Steps for Updating Student Chromebooks

  1. Have your student log on to their Chromebook
  2. Right click at the very bottom, right corner of their screen (near the battery & internet icons)
  3. Click on the Settings icon (the gear/cog wheel symbol)
  4. Click on "About Chrome OS" (at very bottom of the list that’s on the left)
  5. Click "Check for updates"
  6. To apply the updates, click the arrow icon and then select "Restart to update"

Steps for Changing Chromebook Keyboard Settings to “English (US)” keyboard (from “English-International”)- necessary for being able to type apostrophes while using Typing Agent

  1. Have your student log on to their Chromebook
  2. Right click at the very bottom, right corner of their screen (near the battery & internet icons) OR click on the magnifying glass that’s on the left side of the keyboard
  3. Click on the Settings icon (the gear/cog wheel symbol)
  4. under the “Device” section click on “keyboard”
  5. at the bottom of the list, click on “Change input settings”
  6. Under “Input methods” it should be “English (US)”  “enabled”.  If it says something different, click on the blue “ + Add input methods” and then select “English (US)”. Finally, use the X to remove all other keyboard languages that may be listed as “enabled”

SCUSD Tech Help Desk

(For district-provided Chromebook issues)

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 


Text: (408) 900-6867

"Please provide a thorough description of the problem and, if required, we will schedule a video conference to discuss further at a convenient time. In the same way that Google Meet is a great way for you to have contact with your child’s teacher, an appointment can be scheduled for any virtual tech support you may need."

Student Website Links

Use Your "ClassLink"/SCUSD Student Portal to get to the following:

  • i-Ready
  • Learning A-Z (RazKids)
  • Lexia
  • Typing Agent
  • and more!