School Improvement Program
The School Improvement Program at Laurelwood is a collaborative effort involving the principal, teachers, parents, support staff and the students who work together to set high expectations and achieve high student performance. The school will put into programs and activities the following procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its School wide programs. These programs, activities, and procedures will be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents including parents serving on the School Site Council (SSC).
- By September 15th a parent information meeting will be held. The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and its objectives will be explained. An evaluation of the previous year will be shared.
- By May 31, a School Site Council (SSC) will be elected. An invitation to parents to become a member of the SSC will be sent out in the January newsletter. The names of interested parents will be placed on a ballot which will be distributed to all parents. Half of the members of the SSC will be parents. All efforts will be made to recruit at least one parent of an English Learner.
- The SSC will meet on one Tuesday during the months of September, October, November, December, January, March, April and May. The SSC members will be trained in their roles as members of the SSC including assisting in the development of the school's Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) with the related budgets.
- Parents, through the SSC, will be involved in the ongoing monitoring and planning of the SPSA.
- By October 31 of each year, a parent representative to the district’s District Advisory Committee (DAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) will be elected. The DAC and DELAC members will receive written notification of all meetings and the agendas at least three days in advance of the meeting.
- Within the first week of each new school year, parent orientation for incoming kindergarten students will be held.
- Workshops for parents will be held that focus on core curricular subjects, such as literacy, math and science. Parents will be taught how to interpret student assessment data and successful parenting techniques.
- Back-to-School Night will be held in September and Open House will be held in April/May to allow parents to meet their children’s teachers and to visit their classrooms.
- By October 31, individual student’s Academic Assistance Program/Compacts will be prepared with input from the parent/guardian, student, and teacher.
- Parent-Teacher conferences will be held in the Fall for all Laurelwood students, and again in March for at risk students, so can parents and teachers can meet to discuss each student's needs and progress.
- Parents will be notified of their children's academic progress through Standards-based reports (trimester), Parent-Teacher conferences in the Fall and March, and teacher contacts. Parents will be provided with their child's individual assessment results
- Parents will be notified of school activities in the monthly newsletter and in the Thursday Envelopes.
- Parents will receive an explanation of the curriculum the assessments used to measure student progress, and the levels of proficiency students are expected to meet.
*Approved by the SSC on September 20, 2016