Physical Education
Physical Education at Laurelwood Grade TK-5
PE Instruction
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade student at Laurelwood attend Physical Education class with the PE teaching team once each week for 50 minutes. The other mandated 50 minutes of PE is with their regular classroom teacher.
Third, fourth, and fifth grade students at Laurelwood attend Physical Education class twice each week for 50 minute sessions.
The instruction is presented by a team consisting of a credentialed teacher and a paraprofessional.
The units-lessons are based on the California State Standard requirements. The SCUSD School Board has approved the SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) curriculum. The District Elementary PE Teachers/Department design curriculum unit lessons incorporating the above criteria for all 17 elementary schools.
Student Practice and Opportunities
Students practice the fundamental locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills in a variety of age-appropriate activities. All students use a variety of age-appropriate equipment so that they have multiple opportunities to practice skills.
Students are provided with opportunities to understand the fitness components, fitness assessment, and the need for a lifetime of physical activity. Fifth-grade students have their first required experience with the California statewide Physical Fitness Test.
Safe Shoe Expectations
Students will come to school wearing socks and athletic shoes that have a snug, comfortable fit for PE class days. Children need to wear athletic shoes that cushion the foot while running. A shoe with arch support will help stabilize the foot while running.
(No open-toed shoes, sandals, Crocs or boots. Shoes with loose laces or a flat rubber sole are not enough support for an extended period for activity.)
Clothing Expectations
Children must wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement, activity and exercise on all assigned PE days. For student safety please adhere to the Laurelwood Dress Code. See Parent Handbook for information.
Behavior Expectations
Students are required to follow the Laurelwood Behavior Expectations as stated in the Parent Calendar-Handbook while in physical education class. Please refer to your Parent Handbook for complete details and discuss these with your child.
In brief:
- Be ready to learn.
- Treat others with respect.
- Solve problems by talking.
- Use appropriate language.
- Follow playground procedures.
- Keep our school clean.
For More Information, visit the CDE website.
Modifications for PE due to injury
Participating in P.E. Class - When Your Child has an injury:
If your student experiences an injury that temporarily limits his/her physical ability, s/he may continue to participate in Physical Education class through modified activity. Please have the doctor provide a note indicating what specific activities your child can do, OR have the doctor complete and sign the form linked below. Your child should then give the form to the school office.